Build App for IOS

In this part, we will show you how we can build the mobile app for iOS.

NOTE: before start this tutorial, you MUST make sure install SAMPLE REACT NATIVE app successfully. Check the tutorial below:

Then follow those steps and install SAMPLE APP. If install sucessfully, you can see sample app like below:

Note again: MUST build successfully (to make sure you installed all independence packages ) before setup ZALES next step below.

1. Install Zapes theme on iOS

1.1 Open terminal and go to the right your app folder

cd app/app-zapes

2. Install npm packages:

npm install

3. Go to iOS folder then install pod packages:

cd ios
pod install

5. Then go back working folder Zapes and run this to open app on emulator:

cd ..
react-native run-ios --simulator="iPhone 7"

6. After app building success, you can see app on simulator iPhone.

Thank you.

Last updated